Five Festival Questions for Blonde Maze

Brainstorming about the lineup for our Northside Festival showcase, one name came up immediately and we knew we simply want to have HER: Blonde Maze! Amanda Steckler is the musician behind Blonde Maze and we have been enchanted by her music since song picking “Letters I Never Sent” in 2015. Seeing Blonde Maze live at Rockwood Music Hall completely won us over and we were thrilled to book her for a glamglare show earlier this year.
We are truly happy to welcome Blonde Maze to our lineup. She will start the party with her beautiful indie synth-pop and mesmerizing stage presence. Here is Amanda’s take on our Five Festival questions:
1 – Q: How would you describe your music/style in short? What can festival goers except from your show?
If I could make up a combined genre, it’d be chill-indie-electronic-dream-pop. Festival goers can expect ethereal sounds, some songs to dream to, some songs to dance to, and also my hair that uncontrollably gets in my face when I’m live-producing. Also, maybe expect me to accidentally knock my drink off my equipment table while putting my mic in the mic stand, if it’s going to be anything like my previous glamglare showcase.
2 – Q: Which musical act are you most excited to see yourself at this year’s Northside Festival?
Honestly, there are so many incredible musicians playing this year it’s hard to say. But, if I had to choose one, I am stoked for Letters to Nepal. I played with them at one of the glamglare showcases back in February, and they so powerfully transform the vibe throughout the whole venue.
3 – Q: This being your first time performing at the festival, what would be the coolest thing you think could happen?
I think it would be really cool to meet some bands to play with in the future. It’s a great opportunity to see a bunch of artists and learn more about them as artists and as people. It’s also always the coolest thing to hang with the audience after the show. I am going to love being a festival goer with the rest of them after my set.
4 – Q: What is in store for you in the next six months?
I’ve been pretty quiet about this recently, but I have some unreleased material that I am eager to release. I have been writing constantly and can’t wait to share. Keep an eye out for a single within the next few months!
5 – Q: What’s the question you wish we would be asking?
Hmmm… this is really difficult! I don’t know if I’ve ever been asked about my first memory of performing live? It’s a blurry memory, but I think it was an open mic in New Jersey. I played guitar and sang some folk-like indie songs I had written in my room. It was at a cafe, and in the back there was a little space for the artists to perform. It’s a sweet memory, and I’ll always hold on to it, no matter how much my music and performance style has changed.
Awwww – thank you so much, Amanda! Looking forward to enjoying the festival together and to experience you live once more come Saturday.
Listen to the atmospheric “Antartica” here and then…
… stream Blonde Maze on Spotify:
Photo credit: Jen Weinstein