NZCA LINES - Universal Heartbreak

NZCA LINES - Universal Heartbreak

I don’t know about you, but for me, learning how an artist composes music, comes up with ideas, and follows through with them is something that always interests me. I had no idea how multi-instrumentalist and producer NZCA LINES, an artist who landed on glamglare’s radar in the summer of 2020, starts out. With a Wurlitzer electric piano? How cool is that! “Universal Heartbreak” is taken from the equally titled EP that just dropped, and it showcases the artist’s stylish yet very relatable and catchy sound. Michael Lovett (NZCA LINES) reveals about this creative process, how he regards music, and how Universal Heartbreak (out via Memphis Industries) came together:

“Each of these songs started life on a Wurlitzer electric piano and 808 drum machine. I wanted to strip back my songwriting and directly express my experience over the past couple of years, which have been difficult for everyone to a greater or lesser extent. My version of this lives through the music on Universal Heartbreak: emotions I’ve had to process, frustration, anger or sadness I’ve had to work through. These songs are also inextricably linked with New York City and my life there between 2020-23, so self-directing a video in front of my apartment building seemed like an apt visual.

I like the idea of releasing music as a time capsule, as an expression of my current life. Conversely, it’s very hard for me to finish music, to say “this is good enough, share it” – there’s always a voice telling me that it’s not. By releasing a series of EPs, I’m trying to shorten the length of time between creating music and releasing it, to obsess less and embrace spontaneity”.

Listen to “Universal Heartbreak,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the sophisticated artist video too:

Connect with NZCA LINES and add “Universal Heartbreak” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Cynthia Villamil