Noah Derksen - Love is Such a Hard Thing

Noah Derksen - Love is Such a Hard Thing

The sentiment rings true, and the track is absolutely gorgeous: “Love is Such a Hard Thing,” the new single by Noah Derksen. Noah Derken’s way of songwriting and putting his emotive vocals to brilliant use reminds me of Iceland’s Júniús Meyvant, and I am glad to have come across the Winnipeg-based singer/songwriter. Asked about the track, Noah says:

“‘Love is Such a Hard Thing’ came after an exceptionally hard breakup. For me, songwriting gives meaning to the suffering – if I didn’t have a place to put it, the suffering would just feel so pointless. Not all questions need to be answered – love is hard, and that’s just the way that it is. Throw yourself out there and feel the world deeply. In order to feel beauty you’ll open yourself up to some pain, but it’s worth it.”

Listen to “Love is Such a Hard Thing,” our Song Pick of the Day, and enjoy the beautifully contemplative live version of the track:

Connect with Noah Derksen and add “Love is Such a Hard Thing” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: