NEW ALBUM: Leitbur - Antique Travelers

Released today, the first full length album by LA duo Leitbur, carrying the intriguing title “Antique Travelers”. Leitbur, pronounced ‘light-brr’, is an ongoing electronic music project by Jaron Widman and Samantha Krzyston.
If the band name or the album title sound familiar here on glamglare, you’re not mistaken. We recently not only featured the blissfully feel-good single “I Need You” as our Song Pick of the Day but were also thrilled to premiere the title track “Antique Travelers” a good week ahead of the album release. Those two singles are maybe the “stand-out” tracks with being the most upbeat, uplifting and romantic ones. They also should find their way to diverse radio stations. Seriously.
There’s more to be discovered though on this well-rounded album. It’s best enjoyed from track one “M.M.582” to track ten “A New World”, to fully indulge in this warm nostalgic journey. If hard pressed, other personal favorites include the lyrically rather sad “Lost Cosmonauts”, juxtaposed to a mesmerizing melody and arrangement. Another favorite being track number two and “Solid Grounds”, drawing the listener immediately into the record with its deep reflections, yet pleasing melody.
“Antique Travelers” is the perfect album for anyone looking for retro beats, warm nostalgia, soaring synth lines mingling with great dance grooves. If you would have to find a new soundtrack for a happy-ending, romantic movie like “Pretty in Pink” or “Serendipity”, the album “Antique Travelers” would be it!
Enjoy the album:
Visit Leitbur’s alluring website, mirroring the retro glow of “Antique Travelers” to learn more about the duo -it is getting romantic, promised! There you also find the lyrics to all your favorite new tracks. Follow Leitbur on Facebook and Twitter. Get your copy of “Antique Travelers” on iTunes.
… and relax with this mesmerizing video to “Antique Travelers”, ideally having your loved-one close, enjoying a romantic moment together. If not now, then soon: