Neutrals - That's Him On The Daft Stuff Again

Neutrals - That's Him On The Daft Stuff Again

The straightforwardness of “That’s Him On The Daft Stuff Again” got me instantly. I love it! However, I needed to look up what “daft” even means. (23 years in New York, I’m still learning new vocabulary daily.) The Bay area trio Neutrals released that track as their new single, and it’s a must for every lover of post-punk sound in the roam of John Watts’ Fischer-Z, who came to my mind first. When asked about their new song, Neutrals have a cool story, told by Allan McNaughton (guitar, vocals,) who makes it sound unbelievably easy AND cool:

“Overheard listing the many shortcomings of a local miscreant, an elderly Lanarkshire woman ended her rant by proclaiming, “and he’s always smoking that daft stuff!” The songs write themselves don’t you know.”

Neutrals have their album New Town Dream coming out May 31st via Slumberland, which you can pre-order here. Listen to “That’s Him On The Daft Stuff Again,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Neutrals and add “That’s Him On The Daft Stuff Again” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: