Natalia Salter - Million and One

Natalia Salter - Million and One

English-Peruvian singer/songwriter and poet Natalia Salter divides her time between London, UK, and Valencia, Spain, and creates beautiful music in between. Her new single “Million and One” delights with an irresistibly catchy melody and lyrics that are as much a call to self-love as they are a powerful mantra. This is the perfect piece for everyone who’s looking for a gorgeous song and meaningful lyrics. Natalia says about “Million and One:”

This song is about how I’ve come to accept and embrace my mistakes and decided to choose to love myself in spite of them. Million And One is a song for the sensitive souls, who are not afraid to be vulnerable. It’s for the people who live in the grey and understand that people and this world are not black and white.

“Million and One” is one of the songs on Natalia Salter’s upcoming 7-track EP, due out early next year, and we can’t wait to hear the entire record. For now, enjoy “Million and One,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Natalia Salter and add “Million and One” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: