Morgan Harper-Jones - 2D

Morgan Harper-Jones - 2D

I am eagerly awaiting Morgan Harper-Jones‘s debut album, Up To The Glass, having featured two singles from the record already: the pensive “Swimming Upstream” and the playful “Boombox.”  Now, the British singer/songwriter releases the album’s possibly final single, the magnificent “2D,” before Up To The Glass drops on March 22, 2024. Asked about “2D,” another brilliant song carried by the artist’s gorgeous vocals and intricate production style, Morgan Haper-Jones says:

“’2D’ is probably the most Up To The Glass song on the album. Feeling a bit flat and numb and detached from my experience and wanting desperately to feel human again. I think I’ve spent a lot of life feeling very disconnected from myself, and not listening to my gut feelings. So ‘2D’ was kind of an “ARRRRGHH IM LOSING MYSELF HOW DO I FEEL LIKE ME!!!?”

Listen to “2D,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Morgan Harper-Jones and add “2D” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Katie Silvester