Moniah - Sweet Escape

Moniah - Sweet Escape
Photo: Karolina Wielocha

What is wrong with enjoying yourself? “I’m wanting a sweet escape,” sings London singer/songwriter Moniah when she thinks of dropping the pressure of fulfilling the expectations of others. The fast-paced, upbeat songs let you dream of escaping the grind on Friday afternoon for a few days.

Moniah says about her music:

“I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember, but songwriting is where my heart truly lies,“ says Moniah. ”There’s something incredibly powerful about taking a simple story and transforming it into a song that people can instantly connect with. Writing vulnerable lyrics and pairing them with melodies that draw people in—that’s where the magic happens for me. It’s about creating something raw and real, something that makes people stop and feel, even for just a moment. That’s the connection I live for."

Listen to “Sweet Escape,“ our Song Pick of the Day, on your favorite streaming service or below on YouTube:

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