Mïrändä - Porcelain Dolls

Mïrändä - Porcelain Dolls

New York City-born and raised singer, songwriter, and producer Mïrändä has been on our radar for several years already, and it is exciting to follow her artistic journey. By now, Miranda Johnson, aka Mïrändä, has released a flurry of gorgeous and effortlessly catchy singles, including two EPs. Her 2020 single “Stay” (#glamglarepick) belongs to my all-time favorite songs.

Her newest offering, “Porcelain Dolls,” is right up there with her brilliant previous releases. “Porcelain Dolls” could very well be heard on a hit TV show, especially given Mïrändä’s recent film-scoring success. Here’s to a music supervisor taking notice of this gem! (The song AND the artist.) Listen to “Porcelain Dolls,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Mïrändä and add SONG to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Jordan Tiberio