Meagre Martin - Mountain

Meagre Martin - Mountain

Meagre Martin is a trio inspired by shoegaze, 90’s indie, or ‘faux country,’ as the band calls it, and are three American musicians living in Berlin, Germany’s cosmopolitan capital. It was in the summer of 2021 that singer/songwriter Sarah Martin (vocals, guitar) bonded with Federico ‘Freddy’ Corazzini (drums) and Max Hirtz-Wolf (bass), and Meagre Martin was born.

With their newest single, “Mountain,” they continue to announce their upcoming debut album, Gut Punch, due out November 10, 2023. When  I started listening to “Mountain,” the lyric piece “I can never run fast enough to outrun my brain,” instantly got me. So true! The track is beautifully smart, deep, and dreamily gorgeous. About their new single, the band says:

“‘Mountain‘ is a song in remembrance of things that were once so familiar but whose significance has become unrecognisable, and that familiarity is distant and faded. Landmarks that were once crucial in one’s life no longer hold the same emotional ties. The best word to describe this song is ‘Saudade'”

Listen to “Mountain,” our Song Pick of the Day, and go see them live this fall when they’re supporting alt-J on tour:

Connect with Meagre Martin and add “Mountain” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: