Matt Wright - Heartbreaker [Video]

Matt Wright - Heartbreaker [Video]

How often do you think “Today is the day?” to do something that’s been on your mind for a while? British pop singer/songwriter Matt Wright goes after that exactly in his new single “Heartbreaker.” He muses that next time, he, for once, would like to be the one who breaks the heart instead of the other way around. As someone familiar with both roles, this kept me thinking. So I told Matt about my take: the one breaking the heart is not necessarily better off either. The guilt can linger for years, and there can be quite some heartbreak, too.

Matt responded very kindly and revealed that he came out of a bad relationship more than ten years ago, feeling bitter after being hurt, which eventually inspired this song. While Matt concurred that being the one to break someone’s heart doesn’t make you feel any better or more whole, he stated that many people can resonate with that “Heartbreaker” feeling. Agreed! I rest my case because the song is cool and super catchy, and I only want to add that the accompanying music video features Ollie King from BBC Three’s ‘‘I Kissed A Boy,” check it out!

Listen to “Heartbreaker,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Matt Wright and add “Heartbreaker” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Sam Cadman