Maria Kelly - Something Better

Maria Kelly - Something Better

It feels like we haven't featured an Irish artist in a while, and with a visit to Dublin a year ago still vividly in my mind, I am excited to feature Dublin-based indie artist Maria Kelly today. She just released the beautifully mellow "Something Better" via VETA Records, and the song speaks sonically and lyrically to me. I love how Maria's vocals pull it all together, making the longing palpable yet, at the same time, ephemeral. Maybe we shouldn't always think that the grass is greener on the other side.

Maria is joined on the single by creative collaborator Matt Harris (guitar, bass, ukulele), and on drums Nigel Kenny and backing vocals  Julie Hough. Asked about the new single, Maria says:

"‘Something Better’ felt like a missing piece that captured the core feeling of this next record – a feeling of wanting a better reality for yourself than the one you find yourself in, and slowly but surely cultivating the courage to get there. Though, ironically, this one was really difficult to get right! Countless drafts, vocal difficulties, recording bumps - it just wasn’t coming together. It essentially became about the songwriting process itself, and was finally finished with some help from my friends Matt, Laoise and Seán; a funny reminder that everything gets easier when you ask for help!”

That's a fantastic reminder, too! It's okay to ask for help, and it should be encouraged more.

Listen to "Something Better," our Song Pick of the Day:

Something Better, by Maria Kelly
track by Maria Kelly

Connect with Maria Kelly and add "Something Better" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music.