Lunar June - Supplements

Lunar June - Supplements

I still have "bathrooms at parties" by Lunar June in my ears, and the London-based electro-pop singer, songwriter, and producer follows that brilliant track with the equally superb "Supplements." Olivia Judd (Lunar June) sings about her whirlwind attempt to "fix herself," eventually realizing that we're all a little "broken" and not everything needs to get "fixed." Asked about her new song, with its immediately infectious vibe, Lunar Junes says:

“It’s called ‘supplements’ because I became obsessive over self-improvement and was buying every supplement and self-help book under the sun to try and somehow speed through the healing process and become a better person as quickly as possible so I could stay with this person; I felt I was something broken that needed to be fixed. In a weird way, this core belief alone is what was the most destructive element, not my actual brokenness - because we’re all broken! No one is perfect and I couldn’t see that, and so I lost someone very important to me because I couldn’t love and accept myself."

Offering a positive outlook, she says further:

"At the end of the day, it’s our flaws that make us human and loveable. It’s ok to not be perfect or totally healed, I don’t think either of those things are ever achievable. But that you’re still worthy, even when you feel broken.”

Listen to "Supplements," our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Lunar June and add "Supplements" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: