Lunar June - bathrooms at parties

Lunar June - bathrooms at parties

Electro-pop singer, songwriter, and visual artist Lunar June (aka Olivia Judd) makes new fans with her delightful new single “bathrooms at parties.”  Who has ever been to a party knows that the line before the bathroom is often where the party’s at. In any case, it’s not the worst place to strike up a conversation. However, the direction that this West London artist goes with her new song is a slightly different one, as she has her very own memories of this kind of experience. Olivia explains:

“I wrote this song about that awkward period where we were kind of coming out of the pandemic but things were still a bit edgy. I had developed a lot of anxiety about going out and socialising and being in crowds of people again. ‘bathrooms at parties’ is about that, but paradoxically also craving the human experience of beautiful chaos, like dancing with strangers and getting a little too drunk and crying in bathrooms to your mates. I have an amazing friendship group and this is really a love letter to them of how they helped to bring me out of my shell again and find joy in the things that can initially feel scary.”

Listen to “bathrooms at parties,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the cute lyric video too:

For more from Lunar June, listen to her brilliant EP jaded/faded, and then connect with Lunar June and add “bathrooms at parties” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Olivia also announces the release of her anticipated second EP, an ode to the girl i once was, a collection of songs about living as a young adult but barely really feeling much older. I can’t wait to listen to Lunar June’s EP, scheduled to drop in early 2024!