Looney Gloomers - Faking Paintings

Looney Gloomers - Faking Paintings

“Faking Paintings,” the new single by Copenhagen- and London-based quartet Looney Gloomers is as strange and beautiful as its title. With “Faking Paintings,” we get treated to not just one genre but a fantastic melange of several, think 80s new wave, krautrock and punk, and then some. The band, comprised of an actor, a producer, a teacher, and a tech manager, says it best in their own words:

We really try as much as possible to bend and merge musical genres, whilst unfolding a lyrical cosmos of metaphors and self-deprecating narratives. We are four very different individuals, but to us, difference has always been the key to creative success and inventive curiosity, the milestones of Looney Gloomers.

The result is brilliant because “Faking Paintings” is super catchy with sprinkles of surprise and edge. Asked about the track’s lyrical content, Looney Gloomers say:

This song confronts the inner saboteur that keeps you awake at night. The hero of “Faking Paintings” is in a fog of self-doubt, trapped in a limbo of never knowing whether he’s in or out – an uncertainty that quickly turns into anger and slowly but surely develops into; self-loathing. It’s a struggle that many young people go through today and a torment we should talk more openly about.

Listen to “Faking Paintings,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Looney Gloomers and add “Faking Paintings” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: