Liv East - So Badly

Liv East - So Badly

In her new single “So Badly,” London singer and songwriter Liv East muses about timing and losing hope. The instantly catchy track sets the scene for a beautifully swanky vibe thanks to Liv’s gorgeous vocals, as well as the exquisite instrumentation and production. Upon learning that some of London’s finest jazz musicians like Benedict Quinn (guitar) and Callum Connell (saxophone) contributed their art to “So Badly,” you know for sure that Liv East is not bound to just one style but plugs freely from dance, alt-pop, R&B, and neo-soul to capture the vibrancy and diversity of her East London roots. Like with her previous solo release, the single is produced by South London producer Lokes LDN. When asked about the track, Liv says:

“‘So Badly’ was born out of a time when I knew I had met someone of importance but the timing just wasn’t right. I had to remind myself of the mantra ‘nothing real can truly be threatened’ and step back with grace. I felt parallels with many other situations in my life. We had just come out of a pandemic where we were all forced to surrender to redirection and hold our hands up to the universe. No matter how badly we want something, it won’t always (or rarely ever) pan out the way we want it to. ‘So Badly,’ for me, is about the art of surrender but still keeping faith.”

Listen to “So Badly,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Liv East and add “So Badly” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Veronica Skoglund