little luna - fool [Video]

little luna - fool [Video]

Fortunately, it is possible to capture the spirit of a carefree, sunny day and create a gorgeous song that’s infectious in its joy and exuberance. Someone who knows how to do exactly that is LA singer/songwriter, yoga instructor & wellness advocate little luna. “fool,” the last single from her just-released EP the wildflower woman, is simply magnificent! I could listen to the track all day, but luckily, there are more beautiful songs on the wildflower woman, yet for me, “fool” is the standout song of an album filled with six great songs plus a guided meditation. How cool is that?

The inspiration and meaning of her album are fascinating and reassuring, too, because little luna says:

“self-discovery is a seemingly simple idea, but a struggle I’ve carried for most of my life. each song on the wildflower woman EP correlates with a different wildflower, and color, giving you a visual palette to match this sentiment; we are continually in a state of growth and decay…and you are allowed to change! these lyrics are my most vulnerable yet, purposefully set to tempos you can blast out of your speakers as you navigate your own journey to your truest self. wildflowers grow on the side of the highway in the trash, yet remain beautiful and soft. they are resilient as hell, and so are we. i am a wildflower woman, and perhaps you are a wildflower person too?”

Listen to “fool,” our Song Pick of the Day, and also watch the delightful video, created with an all-female cast and crew:

Connect with little luna and add “fool” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Jordan Kelsey Knight