Letters To Nepal enchant with new material at Bar Matchless (CMJ)

Letters To Nepal, a Brooklyn via Siberia three piece with musical roots in all things synth pop, are evolving their sound constantly. Anton Fadeev integrates new instruments and his latest instrument of choice is a fully electronic one aka Maschine. There’s Tanya Durkeena who provides her skills on the piano. And of course there’s Evgeniya Kuznetsova, charismatic front woman of Letters To Nepal. Personally, I can’t wait to see Letters To Nepal performing on bigger stages and seeing Evgeniya charming bigger crowds!
For now though, I am glad to being able to see the three so up and close and having a wonderful time when experiencing them live.
Listen to Letters To Nepals brand new track Tricky, and check out their older songs too.
Photos from Letters To Nepal’s Saturday evening CMJ2015 show at Bar Matchless:
== All concert photos by glamglare.com – Elke Nominikat and Oliver Bouchard ==
Follow Letters To Nepal on Facebook and/or Twitter, stream their music on Soundcloud and go see them live: