Laveda - Surprise [Video]

Laveda - Surprise [Video]
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“I’m not surprised that I’m not sober / Being alive is just getting old,” sings Ali Genevich of upstate New York band Laveda. That perfectly describes that sinking post-pandemic feeling that has probably washed over most of us at some point. But life goes on, so Laveda makes an upbeat indie rock song out of it and shoots a video that shows the romantic, fun side of being in a band.

Guitarist Jake Brooks says about the song:

“The lyrics are meant to juxtapose the happy sunshine feeling throughout the song. “Surprise” is about dealing with loneliness and loss in this modern age. The overall sound represents how bright and happy we present ourselves on social media. But in reality, everyone’s depressed and stressed over the rapidly devolving state of society.”

Ali adds:

“Sonically, ‘Surprise’ is the bright song on the new record. Lyrically it embodies a lot of my personal feelings that came after I graduated from college in the same year the pandemic hit. I couldn’t help but feel low for a while, and once I came out of my writer’s block everything I wrote had this big sad mood.”

Laveda will be on tour all over the States, plus Toronto, this month. Check out dates here.

Watch the video, directed by Ali, here:

Listen to “Surprise,” our Song Pick of the Day, on your favorite streaming service or below on Bandcamp: