Lauren Lakis - Take My Hand [Video]

Lauren Lakis - Take My Hand [Video]

“Take My Hand” by Austin-based shoegazer Lauren Lakis is about “forgetting what you thought you knew, letting go, bravely opening your mind to something radically different.” The song hits you with a wall of sound, like the emotions of doubt and empowerment when you are about to leave your comfort zone.

Lauren asks:

“What if you were wrong? Are you able to admit it? Can you shift with the ever-changing landscape of reality, or are you stuck in your ways? I found myself stepping into the unknown in many ways the past few years, forced to entertain the notion that maybe I didn’t know everything, and in that I found freedom.”

Lauren Lakis is working on her second album A Fiesta and a Hell to be released this fall. She also will play the New Colossus Festival in New York City next week.

Watch the video for our Song Pick of the Day, “Take My Hand,” below: