Last Planet - Seaglass

Last Planet - Seaglass

Californian alt-rock sextet Last Planet delights with the lush, laid-back, and ultra-alluring “Seaglass.” The song combines themes of love and loss with the sounds of spending a day at the beach, complete with a refreshing sea breeze, the call of seagulls, and the sun glittering at the relentlessly rolling waves. So, the title “Seaglass” couldn’t be more aptly chosen as one feels in the middle of it all, smooth and fascinating like actual sea glass.

We asked Cort Yong, Last Planet’s bassist, for more insights to “Seaglass,” and he told us:

“Seaglass is our most collaborative song yet. Guitarist/vocalist Albero made the basis of the ethereal guitar/synth sounds and then lead singer Rai, Albero, and bassist Cort brainstormed in Cort’s living room what feelings this brought up and how the lyrics and vocal melody could compliment that. We wrote about longingly clinging to love or an emotional high when you feel it slipping away. Saxophonist Lucian added the finishing touch with the stacked horns.”

Listen to “Seaglass,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Last Planet and add “Seaglass” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Nick Quinlan