Lark - Stars

Lark - Stars

Sometimes, a straightforward, dancefloor-ready song is all you need to put this little spring in your step and a sweet smile on your face. In my case, "Stars" was everything I wanted and needed right now to leave work behind and ease into a joyous evening. Turns out, it's also pretty much what the Australian indie-pop artist Lark had in mind when she came up with "Stars." She says about her new release:

"I was going through a bit of a hard time, and I felt like I was just working the daily grind and trying to get ahead when all I really wanted to do was work on my music. I wrote this song to myself as a wake-up call to snap out of it, refocus on what fills my soul, and get out there and do it. This song is a whole vibe, and it makes me so happy and inspired!!"

Listen to "Stars," our Song Pick of the Day:

Stars, by Lark
track by Lark

Connect with Lark and add "Stars" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: