Kuni - Sleep Baby

Kuni - Sleep Baby

Kuni is the moniker of Rome-based artist Eleonora Danese. Her debut single is the dreamy, bright track “Sleep Baby,” out now on Factory Flaws. It is not meant as a lullaby, but it does have a calming effect, and you can well imagine it inducing sweet dreams on a poolside afternoon nap.

Eleonora says about the song:

“‘Sleep Baby’ is my way to say to the other person ‘There is so much more I could say to you to make you understand me better but I won’t because that would hurt way too much’. It is my way to show how protective I am of their feelings. I love to share stories and things about my past, because I feel very attached to the past itself, but I know I can’t always say everything. Oversharing is kind of a problem for me and trying to control it shows just how much I care about who I am sharing with, since stories about us are also about others and often generate unexpected feelings and reactions that aren’t always good for the ones who are listening.”

Listen to “Sleep Baby,” our Song Pick of the Day, below: