Klangphonics - Laminar

Klangphonics - Laminar

If I was still living in Europe, I certainly would have seen Germany’s electronic three-piece Klangphonics already live, or at least I would have tried very hard to have seen them live. I bet they are fascinating live! The sound that Klangphonics comprised of Maxl Walmsley Pledl (guitar, synths, producing), Ben Kopfnagel (drums, percussion, and Markus Zunic (synths, percussion) create is a nod to 70s’ greats but also those who came since and Klangphonics deserve to be included here too.

Their newest single, “Lamar,” makes your skin tingle with excitement, and your head and feet bop in agreement. This is electronic music at its finest, meaning it is filled with surprises, a really cool flow, and an overall mesmerizing feel. Asked about the track, Maxl, who produced the single, explains:

“‘Laminar’ has always been a highlight to play live and has had a good reception. It has taken some time to get the studio version to a point where we thought it was the best it could be but we’re very excited to finally put this one out.”

Listen to “Laminar,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Klangphonics and add “Laminar” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: