Kitty Fitz - Laughing Stock

Kitty Fitz - Laughing Stock
Photo: Jody Evans

Kitty Fitz is not gentle with herself in “Laughing Stock” – apparently, she manages to come down on the wrong side in every relationship. The bouncy and upbeat music, on the other hand, takes the edge off the words and suggests a good dose of self-irony.

Kitty gives us some background about the song:

“I’ve been developing the sound of ‘Laughing Stock’ over the past year of playing it live and feeling out what I wanted it to be sonically. I expected it to turn more poppy and synthy, but it just organically stayed exactly as I originally envisioned it, with what I always felt was a very ‘Weezer’ vibe take on production. The meaning behind this song is the epitome of me attempting to pass off my own fear of commitment and rejection as character flaw, as being cool and aloof, or once again feeling in a way ‘unloveable’.”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Laughing Stock,” below:

Laughing Stock, by Kitty Fitz
track by Kitty Fitz