King Isis - Dissonance

King Isis - Dissonance

Los Angeles-based singer/musician King Isis released the exceptionally catchy “Dissonance,” a song about acceptance, produced by frequent collaborator and childhood friend Jaden Wiggins. The track is unusual in its structure and a beautiful slice of summer pop. Asked about her new single, King Isis says:

“‘Dissonance’ is a song about embracing the differences that make us whole, that make us who we are. It leans into the ‘other,’ a celebration of the pieces of selves that we may feel adverse to or are socially rejected. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to conform and present in ways that were outside of myself to appease the perceptions of others. So this is a song about being happy and full in my own, however that shows up. It’s embracing the tension and uneasiness in self and communal discovery, just loving yourself fully and those around you who embrace that difference.”

Listen to “Dissonance,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with King Isis and add “Dissonance” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Pooneh Ghana