Kerri Martin - Waiting for Your Love

Kerri Martin - Waiting for Your Love

It’s been a while since pop singer, songwriter, and producer Kerri Martin released new music, but sometimes good things need time, or life simply has other plans. Her new single “Waiting for Your Love” is a slow-burning, ultra-lush pop-anthem. If we haven’t found THE ONE yet, aren’t we all waiting for the spark to happen and last? We asked Kerri to provide us with a little insight into “Waiting For Your Love,” and she says:

“I’ve really been struggling with being a female producer in a male dominated industry. Making this song was the first instance of me reclaiming my space as a producer. I’m super proud of it.”

Listen to “Waiting for Your Love,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Kerri Martin and add “Waiting for Your Love” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: