Keira Gray - Summer Lovin' With You

Keira Gray - Summer Lovin' With You

Canadian singer/songwriter Keira Gray makes her debut with the catchy and vibrant “Summer Lovin’ With You.” It’s an upbeat tune with wistful undertones, about a whirlwind summer romance, and whets our appetite for more to come from this young pop artist. About her motivation to start songwriting, Keira says:

“I grew up always doing karaoke with my family and realized singing was something I loved doing. I started taking lessons locally then a few years ago started taking professional music lessons. This helped me overcome my shyness and has given me the confidence to write, record, and share my songs with everyone.”

Listen to “Summer Lovin’ With You,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Keira Gray and add “Summer Lovin’ With You” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

strong>Photo Credit: Miranda Jayne