Katherine Perkins - Sea Change

Katherine Perkins - Sea Change
Katherine Perkins

Singer/Songwriter Katherine Perkins released the last single before her upcoming debut album Being Younger drops on June 21ar and the song is gorgeous! As per her intention,”Sea Change” is part meditation, part prayer, part dance party, dreaming of a better America. And [but] I know I am not the only one when I say:  this is very much what’s needed!

Reflecting on the long, slow path of social change, the Bar Harbor-based artist began to associate the growing protest movement for racial justice with the ever so strong and fascinating metaphor of water. Katherine says:

“Black Lives Matter protests were front and center in the news and I was disturbed by the quick pivoting of the conversation as it played out on social media, by the sense of the very real tragedies and systemic problems at the center of these protests being obscured by a din of defensive white noise.”

Listen to “Sea Change,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Katherine Perkins and add “Sea Change” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube

Photo Credit: Katherine Emery