Joe Turner - Borders ft. Julia Church

Joe Turner - Borders ft. Julia Church

London-based producer, multi-instrumentalist, and DJ Joe Turner teamed up with Julia Church, and together they released the instantly alluring and utterly gorgeous “Borders.” Usually, we are getting introduced to a vocalist via the producer, but with South Africa-native and London-based Julia Church, it’s the other way around, as we’ve featured the singer, songwriter, and producer already with her 2019 single “Crawl.”

Joe and Julia combine their distinct and individual talent for the carefully crafted melodies of Borders, and tell a story of a love that ebbs and flows, like a cinematic journey into the stars. Joe describes the track’s message as follows:

A love for something or someone that hasn’t quite faded, contrasting the verses sonically, to help portray the emotions of Julia’s vocals. The verses are calm and almost romantic, whilst the choruses are much more frantic and explosive.

Julia adds her take:

A nostalgic look at a past love that never truly concluded and still feels magnetic…I liked how the idea of wanting to know somebody’s borders feels all-encompassing and vast.

And I simply enjoy the warm and sparkling tones paired with powerful vocals that feel like a silky-soft blanket on sun-tanned summer skin. Glorious! Listen to “Borders,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Joe Turner ft. Julia Church and add “Borders” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo credit: Paolina Stadler