JJ Wilde - Takes Me Back

JJ Wilde - Takes Me Back

Canadian indie-rock musician JJ Wilde does a fantastic job with her new single “Takes Me Back” because it does exactly that, it takes you back to a myriad of songs. Too many to be specific but JJ Wilde mentions for example Bruce Springsteen, when he got pressured to write a hit, and came up with “Dancing in the Dark.” Throw in Don Henley’s “Boys of Summer” and JJ Wilde’s power vocals à  la Joan Jett or Alanis Morissette, and you get the vibe of the absolutely brilliant “Takes Me Back.” So. Much. Fun!

Asked about the track, JJ Wilde says:

Takes me back is meant to feel like a trip back in time. To me the song is all about nostalgia and all the things that remind me of home. I picture summer nights in Canada when i was a teenager running from the cops through neighbours backyards after parties broke up. It reminds me of the small of wet pavement after it rains. Listening to Bruce Springsteen in my first apartment because it Inspired by Bruce Springteen playing loudly in my parents living room. When I’m on the road and missing home I think of specific things and it feels like I’m in Kitchener again.”

Listen to “Takes Me Back,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with JJ Wilde and add “Takes Me Back” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Bree Fish