Ishani - Powertripp

Ishani - Powertripp

After a year-long hiatus, India and UK raised, London-based artist Ishani releases her new fascinating single “Powertripp.” The song unfolds slowly and tenderly like you might pluck petals from a plum, lush peony, one by one, admiring the flower’s beauty and enjoying its luscious scent. Asked about “Powertripp,” Ishani says:

This is a song about self-love and how you can overcome being in a toxic relationship where negative patterns repeat. You have to come to a point where you let go of the rope of that power struggle and choose yourself over the endless loops. Take off your mask and veil and walk away.

“Powertripp” is accompanied by a music video directed by Yolanda Barker and shot by Beatriz Delgado Mena, alongside an all-women base crew, which you can watch here.

Listen to “Powertripp,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Ishani and add “Powertripp” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: