Ian McFarland - Plus One to Heaven

Ian McFarland - Plus One to Heaven

New York-based indie-rock artist Ian McFarland celebrates his birthday and the release of his second album Almost There on the same day, together with a show at the iconic Rockwood Music Hall. Talk about reasons to celebrate! The album’s featured track is “Plus One to Heaven,” which we also chose as our #glamglarepick. We like the song’s pulsating vibe, complete with handclaps and warm guitar tones.

McFarland says about the album and its lead single:

“Almost There” is the culmination of two years working on myself and my music. It follows highs and lows that are universal and to me very personal. Almost There is completely digestible with a pop rock sensibility with plenty of commercial viability. The track I want people to focus on is the opener “Plus One to Heaven” which showcases my unique and youthful angst towards religion

How does McFarland handle that not baseless discomfort? The artist explains:

The lyrics follow a narrative of a person who has lost control of their life and is asking someone who has it together to help them through this. The chords are simple and diatonic with two sharps and follow a linear pop songwriting style that dates back to early rock and roll with only a minor bridge.

Listen to “Plus One to Heaven,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Ian McFarland and add “Plus One to Heaven” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: