Hubcaps - Beside(s) Me

Hubcaps - Beside(s) Me

Australian ambient dream-pop artist Hubcaps just released the title track, the mesmerizing “Beside(s) Me,” of her debut album, due out on November 17 via Dinosaur City Records. The track puts you at ease and let’s you reflect on what’s currently on your mind or abandon any thoughts all together and simply relax. Ella Mosley, the musician behind the artist name, wrote, produced and recorded all the songs for her album herself. She used only Garageband and an electric guitar. Asked about her new single, Ella says:

“While ‘Beside(s) Me’ reflects on persistent feelings of melancholy, and wondering when it will pass. I wrote it to provide relief to such feelings, singing my heart out when emotions became too overwhelming.”

Listen to “Beside(s) Me,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Hubcaps and add “Beside(s) Me” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Mia Van Dort-Gilmore