Housewife - Divorce

Housewife - Divorce
Photo: Carly Boomer

The perspective is clear here: Brighid Day, aka Housewife, believes the breakup is the other person's fault. Still, she is left with nothing and needs to fill the new emptiness in her life. "Divorce," like her previous song, "Life of the Party," will be on Housewife's new EP, out in Spring 2025.

Brighid recalls about writing this song:

"The process of making this song was completely different than any others of mine - it was written in about half an hour which is definitely the fastest I've ever managed. I then took my time to record it though, co-producing with my friend Hans Li over the course of about a month. We slowly recorded everything ourselves in his bedroom. It's the first track I have co-produced in years which I'm really excited about."

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, "Divorce," on your favorite streaming service or below on Bandcamp:

Divorce, by Housewife
track by Housewife

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