Holly Munro - First Prize

Holly Munro - First Prize

We had Holly Munro already on our radar with her previous EP, Up Against Your Nature, and we are excited that this Irish musician just released a new EP, A Crescendo Ending, of which “First Prize” marks the last single. The track comes with Holly’s signature vocals and chill vibe, and I could listen to the song all day, and the lyrics’ intention resonates with me, too. Similar to the previous single, “Dead Ends,” was written after a meditation session, and Holly explains:

“‘First Prize’ is about longing to be connected to something somewhere that is bigger than myself, and the fear that can come with being unable to articulate what that is”.

Speaking of the EP, Holly reveals:

A Crescendo Ending feels really personal to me. It’s a collection of songs that I wrote on my favourite nylon guitar, after moments of meditation or reflection sitting on my bed. In terms of the recording, we tracked everything live, with only a few overdubs – the intention was for the EP to sound more in line with how the songs were actually written, as opposed to my last EP that had a bigger production. ‘Out of Style ‘and ‘New Years Moon’ explore themes of communication and introspection, while ‘Dead Ends’ and ‘First Prize’ delve into vulnerability and longing. Overall the EP is an exploration of personal growth and vulnerability.”

Listen to “First Prize,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Holly Munro and add “First Prize” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Kate Lawlor