HighSchool - August 19

HighSchool - August 19

HighSchool are a London-based, Melbourne-raised post-punk duo comprised of Rory Trobbiani and Luke Scott. Their new single, “August 19” is an instantly mesmerizing, chill new offer of their obvious musical talent, which also found the ears of PIAS, signing the band. Revealing an interesting fact, lead singer Rory says about the new single:

“August 19 was the last track we wrote for the EP and will be the first to be released. It came together so quickly and naturally, we felt it was best not to mess with it and over work it. The title was the date we wrote it. It was saved as a voice memo on my phone and the title never changed.”

Listen to “August 19,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the moody video:

Connect with HighSchool and add “August 19” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Hannah McKimmie