Helen Ganya - Chaiyo!

Helen Ganya - Chaiyo!
Photo: Sonia Abbas

"Chaiyo!" is the next step in Helen Ganya's quest to preserve the memory of her family's Thai branch. The song builds with shimmering synths before it explodes into a furious finale, like the Muay Thai fight it refers to.

Helen says about the track:

 “On ‘Chaiyo!’ I’m remembering my granddad watching Thai boxing on the TV, shouting “chaiyo!” – which means “hooray” or “cheers”. I used that memory to consider reincarnation and the family members I never knew.”

"Chaiyo!" is the second single from Helen Ganya's new album Share Your Care, out on February 7 via Bella Union and Whited Sepulchre Records. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Apple Music, Spotify, or below on Bandcamp:

Chaiyo!, by Helen Ganya
from the album Share Your Care

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