Hannah Rose Platt - Feeding Time For Monsters [Video]

Hannah Rose Platt - Feeding Time For Monsters [Video]

Deathbed Confessions is the name of the debut album by Bristol-based singer/songwriter Hannah Rose Platt, so you know it is not going to be the sunniest record. After the first single, “Dead Man on The G Train,” about a Brooklyn subway murder mystery, she goes several flights down into nightmares: “Feeding Time For Monsters” is a guitar-heavy indie rock track about precisely what you might think. Hannah explains:

“If a house represents the psyche – what would haunt the rooms of our very own haunted houses? I explore a mix of my own ptsd experiences and personal ghosts in this song. Ed and I wanted to create a sense of chaos and dissociation with woozy vocals and thrashing guitars (and the animation by William Davies is just astonishing! Check it out!).”

The video is brilliant but quite an intense experience, so watch it at your discretion:

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Feeding Time For Monsters,” on your favorite streaming service or below on Bandcamp:

(Photo: Ester Keate)