HAiiNES - Bye Bye

HAiiNES - Bye Bye

We came to love Emma Haines, aka HAiiNES through her 2022 banger “Groovin,” and are excited to feature the Australian singer, composer, and producer again. HAiiNES new single “Bye, Bye” starts with a warm, shimmering and really groovy backdrop over which the Australian artist layers her bright, alluring vocals, and the result is a beautifully elegant and catchy track.

Asked about her new single, Emma says:

“I wanted to create a song that hypes you up and makes you want to stand your ground in a real flowing and funky way. Sometimes when we think of a hype song we think aggression and high energy. But in reality, that sort of energy isn’t the answer. We still want to have fun and enjoy the process of letting go. It should be a positive experience for yourself and I feel this song replicates exactly that.”

Listen to “Bye Bye,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with HAiiNES and add “Bye Bye” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: