Hachiku - Time Wasted Worrying

Hachiku - Time Wasted Worrying

It’s been a while since we could see Hachiku live, like during Iceland Airwaves 2019 or an intimate show in Queens’ TransPecos in early 2020, and we can only guess how the pandemic derailed her big tour massively. So we are super excited to hear from this lovely Australian DIY artist again, and her new single is a bang of an “I’m back!” The title of Hachiku’s (Anika Ostendorf) new song is a great reminder to live more in the present, too: “Time Wasted Worrying,” which comes from a very personal place. Anita says about the track:

“When I was around five, my grandmother told me: ‘If you don’t have a thought in your mind, you’ll die.’ I internalised this, fearing sudden death, and don’t think I have stopped thinking since. I have now learned the value of a calm and quiet mind and recognised that I indeed spend a lot of wasted time worrying. This song is like a little reminder to myself to take care of myself, be kind and self-compassionate and take it easy! And perhaps my grandmother is watching from above, her mind at ease, knowing that things unfold as they should, whether we worry or not.”

Listen to “Time Wasted Worrying,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Hachiku and add “Time Wasted Worrying” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Marcelle Bradbeer