GUISE - Wish

GUISE - Wish

Fall and winter are a time when people reflect more and dig a little deeper, and for artists, this tendency is probably even amplified. “Wish,” the new single by GUISE is a deeply personal, introspect song where the band’s frontwoman Jess Guise can be found in an intense imaginary conversation with her late father. Many of us know a thing or two about loss, and it depends on where your feelings sit, how much you can relate to Jess’ song lyrically, yet emotionally and sonically, the track is simply irresistibly beautiful with its sparse instrumentation and a focus on Jess’ gorgeous vocals. The singer and songwriter’s band is comprised of bassist Titas Halder, co-vocalist Laura Hanna, and drummer Keith Barry. Asked about “Wish,” Jess opens up:

“’Wish’ is a conversation with my Dad, who died suddenly when I was 18. It’s my best attempt at expressing the continued pain of losing someone you love, and what it’s been like learning to carry that love around without him still being here to receive it. Music was a shared language for us and this is the closest I can get to feeling like I’m still actually talking to him. He was the wisest person I’ve ever known and navigating the world without his advice has been a hard and relentless challenge, really. I always, always want to know what he’d think, especially about what I write.”

She says further about the production:

“I was already proud of this song but recording it with my dear friend Lukas Drinkwater, who connected to it so personally and brought some completely fresh ideas to the table along with his incredible musicianship, has resulted in something that neither of us expected. It was such a joy to see the song grow in the studio like that, and I think it’s become my favourite thing I’ve made to date. I’m about as sure as I can ever be that my Dad would like this one.”

Listen to “Wish,” our Song Pick of the Day, and watch the contemplative video:

Connect with GUISE and add “Wish” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: