Giungla - Tonight

Giungla - Tonight

Today’s phones can provide quick jolts of happiness and excitement but also drag you into an abyss of dark thoughts. That is a perfect topic for a new song by Italian singer/songwriter Giungla: her grungy guitars play against sweet electronics, and in the end, the music dissolves into fuzzy dissonance.

Giungla says about the song:

“’Tonight’ was one of the first songs that I wrote for this record and that shaped the vision behind it and its title ‘Distractions’. It’s a sort of non-love song written from the perspective of a phone, a one-way dialogue, it’s a song about loneliness. Nowadays there are so many different things trying to tell you what should be important to you, demanding your attention, but sometimes what you really should remind yourself is: what do I really care about?”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Tonight,” on Apple Music or Spotify or below on Bandcamp:

Tonight, by Giungla
track by Giungla

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