Georgia - Too Much Too Little

Georgia - Too Much Too Little

A fierce drummer, great singer and songwriter, London musician Georgia released the euphoric “Too Much Too Little,” continuing where she left off when she went a bit of a different direction with her third album Euphoric. Now, she seems to enjoy doing again what she does so well as hardly any other! If this new single reminds you of the vibe of Georgia’s fantastic second album Seeking Thrills, then this is because she again enlisted Mark Ralph to add the little dance-floor-dynamite, as he did on that album. Asked about “Too Much Too Little,” Georgia says:

“It’s so hard at the moment to try and contemplate a balanced life when so much is going on, in the news, on social media, everywhere. I find it hard to sometimes see what’s reality and what’s fantasy.”

Listen to “Too Much Too Little,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Georgia and add “Too Much Too Little” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo credit: Derek Bremner