GEMZ - Younger

GEMZ - Younger

Sometimes, a name speaks for itself as it is the case with GEMZ (read gems), the dreamy synthpop project by singer/songwriter Jen Wood and electronic musician Ted Chen. Highly acclaimed in their other musical projects (Jen Wood has released nine solo albums, and was a guest vocalist on The Postal Service’s debut album), “Younger” is their first collaboration and it is gorgeous! The track comes with pulsating beats set to a mellow and hazy backdrop, letting Jen’s bright vocals shine and enchant.

Asked about “Younger,” Jen says:

“The title and lyrics of ‘Younger’ are a metaphor for healing. By healing and undoing damage, you are returning to your younger inner child.”

The song is based on a voice memo Jen recorded back in 2017 and unearthed from the vault in 2022. In collaboration with Ted, she worked on the initial ideas and very tenderly, as the track’s moving sentiment implies, created the beautiful song “Younger.”

Jen explains:

“This was a slow process of Ted and me building this song out, bit by bit, with thoughtfulness, love, and attention towards cultivating the sincerest, most epic, energetic signature. Taking our time to grow this song was a beautiful process and I really hope that people who hear it will truly enjoy the experience.”

Listen to “Younger,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with GEMZ and add “Younger” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo credit: Kelly Segre