Fya Fox - Duvet Day

Fya Fox - Duvet Day

Irish indie pop singer/songwriter Fya Fox puts us under her spell with “Duvet Day,” her brand new and super chill single. The title alone made me want to check out the track, and that was a very good idea because “Duvet Day” is as pretty as it sounds. Yet it’s not all fluff and fun, because Fya is addressing something really serious in her sweet and joyful new song. She says about “Duvet Day:”

“This track is about anxiety, all those little voices, little fears and worries creeping in making you want to crawl up like a caterpillar in your duvet hiding from the world. I wanted to take back control and for anyone feeling like this, this is that hairbrush anthem they can sing to”.

Listen to “Duvet Day,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Fya Fox and add “Duvet Day” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:


Photo Credit: Bryony Coles