Friday Pilots Club - Spectator

Friday Pilots Club - Spectator

Chicago-based five-piece Friday Pilots Club create a sound that at its core can be described as indie-rock, yet each of their singles freely takes from whatever other genre or sub-genre they see fit. The result is as refreshing as it is brilliant! Their newest single, “Spectactor,” is a brooding, slowly unfolding number that gets more mesmerizing the longer you’re listening. Lyrically, the track is rather philosophical and a great reminder that we have a choice to act and are not reduced to react. The band says:

“‘Spectator’ is the dark passenger and the undying inner critic. In the wake of major changes in our lives we must choose whether we will go on experiencing things from the driver’s seat or safely spectating life from somewhere outside of ourselves. This song is an ode to that choice and embodies the vision and sonics of the upcoming album Nowhere.”

“Spectator” can be found on Friday Pilots Club’s upcoming album Nowhere, scheduled to drop May 9th. Listen to “Spectator,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Friday Pilots Club and add “Spectator” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: