First Day of Spring - Moon Boy

First Day of Spring - Moon Boy

Hailing from a little English town called Southend-on-sea, the five members of First Day of Spring are now calling London their home. They are about to release their five-track debut EP Fly Over Apple Blossom, and “Moon Boy” marks the first single from that record. The song has a hypnotic dream-like feel to it and is simply absolutely beautiful! Asked about “Moon Boy,” frontman and songwriter Samuel Jones says:

“I feel like I write a lot about my attempts/struggles to live in the moment and being present. A mindfulness kind of thing I suppose, in the sense of leaving things behind and not looking too far forward. This song has that going on in there somewhere. The video has a lot of looking back. I’m someone who clearly clings on to the past quite a bit. And this is what I mean by being present. No past or future, just the beauty of the now in a positive way. I wanted the song to have a real unashamed buoyancy to it and I think that has been achieved.”

“Moon Boy” starts with a poem by Charles Baudelaire, “Be Drunk,” spoken by the band’s friend and poet Lucia Dove, joined by Micky Denny.  Samuel  adds:

“The meaning behind this poem is to convey an aversion to the overwhelming influence of time on everyday life, which I thought was quite appropriate.”

Listen to “Moon Boy,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the video too:

Connect with First Day of Spring and add “Moon Boy”  to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: