FHUR - Hotlines

FHUR - Hotlines

Following her exquisite 2022 EP Defrag, dark pop artist, producer, and songwriter FHUR just released the moody yet irresistible and very danceable “Hotlines.” While definitely on the darker side of pop, “Hotlines” could be the secret ace in a hot DJ’s repertoire. Born in Italy and now calling London her home, FHUR bridges “Hotlines” with Defrag‘s tracks “Yearn” and “Honey” by exploring the theme of “euphoric sadness of unrequited love” further. She claims that while both are terrible, they are still safe for your heart. There’s something rather intense and mysterious in this sentiment, and add gorgeous vocals over booming electronics, and the result is spellbinding! We asked Anna (FHUR) whether she could give us a bit more insight into “Hotlines,” and she says:

I love the theme of telephones as a way of connecting each other but also an obsession if the other person is not available. In Hotlines I’m waiting for the person of the first EP to come pick up and save me, but I know deep down he won’t and I’m starting to detach, the line rings empty and I leave the phone hanging in the booth.”

Listen to “Hotlines,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with FHUR and add “Hotlines” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: