Far Caspian - Sun Room

Far Caspian - Sun Room

At home in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland but also often found in Leeds, U.K. songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Joel Johnston makes beautifully dreamy pop music under the moniker Far Caspian. With his latest single “Sun Room,” he once more combines elements of lo-fi, melodic bedroom-pop, shoegaze, and early 2000s indie rock. We love the warm and fuzzy vibes of “Sun Room” and its comforting feel.

When asked about “Sun Room,” Joel Johnston says:

When I started to write this song it made me think of what happens when we lose important family members. The memories that tie us to our hometowns can be disrupted by losing someone that played a role in that time in our lives and I wanted to create a song that remembered a person both in the past and in the present, now that they’re gone and what that means for those old memories.

And this is where I’d like to sit down with Joel and chat. Everything changes when a beloved family member dies and every single memory becomes so incredibly precious because there will never be another chance to make a new memory. Even worse! Over time these memories fade and change in meaning too.

Far Caspian touches a nerve with this subject matter, one I’ve been pondering a lot these days. Ultimately, Far Caspian’s experience is one we all share. Thanks for a fantastic song to go with it!

Listen to “Sun Room,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Far Caspian and add “Sun Room” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo Credit: Joel Johnston